Our goal is simple:
to make a positive impact on those affected by heart disease.
We do this through sport and scholarship.
The Ironheart Community has grown to be represented in 49 states (U.S.) and 33 countries. Our community is comprised of those living with heart disease, survivors, loved ones, supporters, and members of the medical community.
Becoming part of Ironheart Foundation’s community is a way to connect with others who have a similar passion for heart-health and exercise. Joining can help you not only survive heart disease but THRIVE with it as well. You choose how you want to be involved. Whether you select to represent us in fitness events by wearing our apparel, fundraising, being mentored, or engaging in our social communities. The opportunities are endless.
All funds raised for, or donated to, Ironheart are tax deductible and go to support the Ironheart Scholarship Program. This initiative is our source of giving to those with cardiac disease that have used exercise as a way to better their lives, and now wish to use higher education as a means to make a difference in the world.
How can I become involved?
Join the Ironheart Community. Enjoy newsletters, inspiration, and heart healthy information.
Find inspiration in our member stories and then pay it forward by telling yours.
Join the Ironheart Connect Facebook group and make connections today! Be part of the conversation on heart healthy living.
Join us on Twitter to receive current events and heart-healthy news.
Are you athletically minded? Join the team and let us help you attain your fitness goals! Proudly wear the flying pig!
Initiate a fundraiser or give a monetary gift. We exist because of the generosity of those who believe in our mission. . Funds will go directly to our Scholarship Program.
Participate in the Ironheart Challenge to complete 100 days or 100 miles of the exercise of your choice. Earn bling!