“Strength isn’t about how long we can go before we break. It’s about how far one can get after they've been broken.”
Ironheart Founder David Watkins was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect, aneurysm, as well as an abnormal arrhythmia. A seventeen-hour open-heart surgery followed, during which David flat-lined and was without a functional heart beat for 5 minutes. Luckily, his medical team was fast to respond. With a second chance at living, David had a vision to form an organization where cardiac patients could come together from across the globe, share stories, and ultimately regain a healthy lifestyle through sport. Today, Ironheart has representation in 49 states and 20 countries. Members include individuals who have heart disease, or are touched by it, family, friends, physicians, caregivers, supporters, co-workers, and those who are simply striving to lead a heart-healthy, heart-smart, active life.
Everyone competes at their own pace. We recognize that we are all different. Some like to race. Some like to slow it down and take it all in. Some participate in events every weekend. For others it may be once a year. Many simply exercise to stay fit and have no intention of signing up and paying for an event. We are here to celebrate it all with you, regardless of your commitment or level of fitness. Bottom line is that Ironheart is whatever you want it to be. No pressure. No stress. We’re there to support you however and whenever possible. Whether you are training to walk or run your first 5k, earn a podium spot, participate in a specialty sport, or want to become active, the Ironheart Team is the place for you. Our community will help you get back on your feet again one step and one beat at a time. While our roots may be in triathlon and running, we are bringing in new members who enjoy all kinds of exciting healthy activities such as hiking, mountain biking, dancing, yoga, martial arts and various water sports.

Join The Team
The team wants you! The more you connect, the more we collectively inspire. Consider us as having many hearts that beat as one! The more powerful our beat becomes, the stronger the impact we all will make. Whatever inspires you to get active, you will find support with the Ironheart Team. We believe that you can thrive and not just survive heart disease.
Whether you are participating in a triathlon, playing in a tennis match, or enjoying a round of golf, we are ready to show our support for you. Join the team and get moving today!